Image video – Digital products need a face.

Digital products need a face.

  • n times of the turbulent Internet, websites not only require good technical know-how. More and more companies advertise with image videos on their own website and try to activate or retain customers with YouTube marketing.
  • The right “image” is important here. In order for the image video to appear as authentic as possible, it is advisable to get your own employees in front of the camera. Above all, digital products need a face, they have to be made tangible.
  • With suitable coaching, employees learn to deal with their fears in front of the camera, to appear convincingly and to convey the content skilfully. Advice can also be helpful when it comes to content.
  • Is the content understandable and appealing to a non-specialist audience? Can the content be implemented well on film? In an advisory discussion, it quickly becomes clear whether logical errors in reasoning or an inconclusive dramaturgy have crept into the video concept.

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