Case Study

Inhouse Coaching

Optimization of presentation skills for account managers

Initial situation

Ms. Grandel, HR manager of a software company, writes me an e-mail. She is looking for a coach for her team of account managers. The aim is to improve her presentation skills for both face-to-face and online presentations. I arrange a call with Ms. Grandel to learn more about her specific needs and expectations.

First conversation via video call – Needs analysis

During our call, Ms. Grandel explains the challenges her account managers are facing. These include:

clarity and structure / story:

the account managers' presentations should be clearer and more structured and engaging.

vocal presence and body language:

online presentations in particular often lack vocal presence, convincing body language and a suitable setting; lighting, background outfit

interaction and dialog:

Account managers should learn to better engage and captivate their audience.

I ask Ms. Grandel for specific examples and situations in which the account managers have had difficulties. We also discuss the technical equipment and platforms used for the online presentations

My recommendation:

For in-house coaching, I recommend initially planning two training days. These should take place in the company and enable the participants to intensively develop their presentation skills.

After an application phase of around four to six weeks, during which the participants can put what they have learned into practice.

I offer a third training day. This day is used to discuss any challenges that have arisen and to further consolidate presentation skills.

I also recommend offering participants one or two individual lessons afterwards. These can either take place online or in the Studio Vocal Acting studio and allow for an even more individualized deepening of specific topics.

I would be happy to provide you with an individual offer that optimally reflects your personal wishes.


We will make targeted use of video feedback. Participants will give mock presentations, which will be recorded and then analyzed together. This method makes it possible to immediately recognize and discuss strengths and potential for improvement. The visual feedback promotes a better understanding of one’s own body language, voice and presentation technique as well as the impact of the story presented.
Interactive exercises are carried out on the three core topics of the presentation.
Each account manager receives individual feedback and specific exercises to improve their presentation skills.

Coaching plan:

clarity and structure

  • Introduction to presentation techniques: Teaching basic principles of presentation structure, such as the “Rule of Three” and creating a common thread.
  • 3-act structure for the structure of the presentation, the introductory meeting,
  • Content preparation: techniques for visualizing data and clearly formulating messages.

vocal presence and body language

  • Voice training: exercises for voice control, breathing techniques and voice modulation to make a convincing impression in online settings.
  • Body language: tips on posture, gestures and facial expressions that also make a professional and appealing impression in online presentations.

interaction and dialog:

  • Interactive elements: Integration of questions, surveys and interactive tools to actively involve the audience.
  • Free-speech techniques: Preparing the script, keyword principle
  • Feedback loops: techniques for responding quickly and effectively to questions and feedback from the audience.

Continuation of the coaching

Individual coaching sessions for account managers can be a good continuation of coaching in the team. It provides an opportunity to advance individual processes quickly and in a results-oriented manner with the appropriate coaching skills.


After the coaching, the account managers report a significant increase in self-confidence and improved presentation skills. They are able to convey their content in a clearer and more structured way and have learned to use their voice and body language effectively, even in online settings. Their interactions with customers are more lively and their presentations more convincing.


The collaboration with Ms. Grandel and her team of account managers was extremely successful. Through targeted training, we were able to significantly improve presentation skills and optimally prepare the account managers for future challenges.

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