Acting means
to act!

The ultimate goal of acting is credibility in the role. The character’s voice, body and text merge, convincing in all facets. Our Munich Studio Vocal-Acting specifically addresses your presentation in front of the camera.
The action of the actor precedes the effect of the spectacle. The actor reacts to his partners, to incidents, to occasions, to situations. He picks up impulses from his partner like balls, throws them back or throws them further. These skills don’t just fall out of the blue. A diverse range of acting methods is available to you here
Improvisation exercises, imagination training, acting etudes & basic training. On this basis we build on the methods of Stanislawski, Chekhov, Meisner, Hagen and Strasberg. The choice of method is based on your acting personality, your skills and your previously precisely formulated goal, which we will work out together.
For film and television, we practice everyday film language in particular. You will receive a compilation of all relevant pronunciation rules for radio and television.
You will receive a compilation of all relevant pronunciation rules for radio and television.
Rehearsing, filming and watching: Get to know your effect in front of the camera and this opens up completely new acting possibilities. We take a close look at where your strengths lie..
The weaknesses then disappear almost by themselves.
We read the scene through its paces.
We work out turning points and status changes of the character.
We create your personal connection to the character and try out several game variants.
We delve deeply into history.
We explore your role in detail in every scene. What interests you?
What personal experiences can you provide for the role?
Learn from your shoots for future roles.
In the everyday life of an actor, especially on the set, some “tricky situations” arise. So that the whole thing remains playfully easy and you can use your skills optimally, we take a close look at how you can optimize communication and best protect your resources.
For every freelance artist, their own acquisition should be part of their everyday work. Together we develop your acquisition strategy that suits you and takes up the realities of the film business. When lightness and fun come together, success is not long in coming.
Feel free to check out Studio Vocal Acting’s YouTube channel, or join us on Crew United.
Sponsored coaching
If necessary, GVL makes a financial contribution to professionals, actors or speakers who are already registered with GVL.
With a corresponding application, she participates in 12 individual coaching sessions over a period of 6 months, for example.
With coaching in the Studio Vocal-Acting, this can account for around 80% of the costs for an individual lesson.
This application can be made for a maximum of three consecutive years.
Interest? Then ask in the Studio Vocal-Acting, because further training pays off!