Case Study

Presentation coaching - keynote speech

Initial situation

Ms. Frank, HR manager of a large company, writes an email requesting urgent support for Mr. Sailer, a senior manager. Mr. Sailer has to give an important keynote speech at a company conference. He needs support to design his presentation effectively and deliver it confidently.

Goals of the coaching:


Convincing vocal presence and body language.


Structuring and clarity of the message.


Exercises for free speaking

My recommendation:

To get the most out of coaching, I recommend a basic coaching package with a series of five coaching sessions, each lasting one to two hours. You can follow up this basic package with additional individual sessions or with a coaching advanced package with another five coaching sessions of one to two hours.

Recommended schedule:

  • Frequency: Ideally, the sessions should take place every two weeks or so.
  • Why this schedule? This rhythm gives you enough time to try out and consolidate the skills you have learned in the sessions in practice. At the same time, we have the opportunity to address your current challenges and experiences in the following sessions.

Coaching can take place on-site at the Vocal Acting Studio in Munich or online.
It is also possible to conduct the coaching in English.

I would be happy to provide you with an individual offer that optimally reflects your personal wishes.


In the first session, we discuss Mr. Sailer’s current challenges and goals. We analyze the framework of the upcoming presentation and identify the most important content and key messages to be conveyed. This session includes a mock presentation in front of the video camera to identify strengths and weaknesses in Mr. Sailer’s presentation style.

vocal presence and body language

Strengthening his vocal presence and body language. Through breathing and vocal exercises, we work on how Mr. Sailer can use his voice powerfully and variably. A strong, clear voice captivates the audience and conveys credibility. We also analyze and improve his posture, gestures and facial expressions to strengthen his stage presence.


We use the 3-act structure for a clear and memorable presentation:

  • Introduction: here Mr. Sailer introduces the topic, arouses the audience's interest and gives an overview of the content.
  • Main part: This section contains the essential information and arguments. Mr. Sailer learns to structure his content logically and support it with examples in order to keep the audience's attention.
  • Conclusion: The presentation ends with a strong conclusion or call to action. This gives the audience a clear message or instruction for action.


One of the most effective methods in coaching is practicing in front of a video camera. Mr. Sailer gives his presentation and is filmed while doing so. We then analyze the video footage together. This helps him to improve his body language, facial expressions and gestures. Thanks to the visual feedback, Mr Sailer immediately recognizes which aspects of his presentation he needs to adjust in order to appear more convincing. Regular repetition of this exercise increases his self-confidence and presence. This structure helps Mr. Sailer to make his presentation clear and focused so that the key messages are clearly conveyed.


Another important component is training in dialog and free speaking. Mr. Sailer learns how to actively involve his audience, e.g. by asking specific questions or interacting during the presentation.This creates a connection with the audience and encourages engagement. In addition, we practice free speaking techniques so that Mr. Sailer can present confidently and fluently without a script.Spontaneous speaking exercises strengthen his ability to respond flexibly to questions and comments from the audience.


After intensive coaching sessions, Mr. Sailer is well prepared.He appears confident, structures his presentation clearly and engages his audience effectively.The video presentations have helped him to improve his presence and the 3-act structure ensures that his messages are conveyed clearly and convincingly.Thanks to the training in dialog and free speaking, he can react flexibly to his audience and is convincing across the board.


Ms. Frank and Mr. Sailer are very satisfied with the results of the coaching, and the presentation at the company conference will be a complete success.

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