The coaching for speakers offers prospective and professional speakers and moderators the opportunity for training and further education. Journalists, radio and TV editors can acquire speaking know-how in speaker coaching with Carola von Seherr-Thoss.
Become active, listen to yourself and visit our Munich coaching studio. Turn your voice into your personal, unique means of seduction! Communicate your contributions to the audience – coherently!
Soundfiles – Speaker - Demos
Feel free to listen to the sound files on our Soundcloud , demos for speaker acquisition.
We record the files in cooperation with Amazonasstudios .
Sponsored coaching
If necessary, GVL makes a financial contribution to professionals, actors or speakers who are already registered with GVL.
With a corresponding application, she participates in 12 individual coaching sessions over a period of 6 months, for example.
With coaching in the Studio Vocal-Acting, this can account for around 80% of the costs for an individual lesson.
This application can be made for a maximum of three consecutive years.
Interest? Then ask in the Studio Vocal-Acting, because further training pays off!

Sibylle Schiller, Trauerrednerin

Tobias Klose, Geschäftsführer bei Enrico Pallazzo

Anja Taborsky, Sprecherin