Touch people –
inspire people


Presentation coaching – Executives, managers and entrepreneurs receive targeted competence training in appearance and communication, because only performance with heart and mind is convincing!
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Acting coaching – Actors can optimally prepare their castings and shoots for film and television or work on their stage performances and expand their acting know-how.
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Speaking / Presenting

Vocal and speech training – For speakers, coaching can offer suggestions for dealing with your voice and language in a healthy and efficient manner, as well as expanding professional practice in radio and television with new speaker impulses.
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Practical experience, curiosity and creativity

Coaching creates the future

Carola von Seherr-Thoss combines many years of practical experience with curiosity and creativity in the vocal acting studio.
The coaching philosophy is based on three pillars: content, voice and presentation. You provide the content and Studio Vocal-Acting supports you in optimizing your voice and your performance – for a successful
performance that goes down well.

We take your needs very seriously
With us, executives benefit from creative forms of work from the world of actors, speakers and screenwriters.
Conversely, the great practical relevance of the coaching offered by Carola von Seherr-Thoss offers the artists methodically clearly structured procedures. You always keep your own goals in mind.

Coaching in the best location
Train effectively in personal coaching with Carola von Seherr-Thoss in a humorous atmosphere with heart and competence. The Studio Vocal-Acting offers individual coaching, coaching of teams as well as further training seminars and workshops – everything is tailor-made and individually tailored to you or your company.

The Coaching – Studio Vocal Acting is located in the heart of Munich. It is very easy to reach and is located in the middle of the art area in Munich. Here you can get even more inspiration after your coaching with a visit to a museum or gallery.

You are also welcome to use the option of telephone or Skype coaching. No long waits, no long journeys − convenient and usable from anywhere in the world.

In the world of media Ione fighters, I find it invaluable to finally have found someone, a person of trust, Who supports me in leaving the subjective level and who, together With me, discovers, promotes and expands unused potential. Right from the Start, thanks to Carola von Seherr-Thoss, I was able to initiate important developments, professionally as a speaker, actor, author, and beyond.
John Friedmann, actor and speaker
lt was not difficult for me to set my goals for my professional life, but the implementation was often very energy- and time-consuming and I often lacked the right focus or an effective approach. A work-life balance has not existed in my life for years. The search for a suitable coach began. After an initial consultation and getting to know Carola, I immediately liked her and I liked her experience and approach straight away. Since then, coaching With Carola has contributed to an essential part of my professional and personal development. Her tips and tricks give me the opportunity to work on myself and surpass myself without losing focus on my WORK-LIFE-BALANCE Martina Schmidl, Managing Director DACH, American Vinatge
Martina Schmidl, Managing Director DACH, American Vintage
Since working with Ms. Carola von Seherr-Thoss, I have increasingly recognized my resources. This is how my intuition has become a tool that helps me to make decisions more clearly, to communicate them and to act accordingly. She supports me in a very charming way in polishing my communication crown. An enrichment. Thanks.
Eva Demmelhuber, Architect, Büro Integrated Architecture
Carola von Seherr-Thoss not only helped me with my language development as a sports reporter. lt has also become indispensable when analyzing my posts and comments.
Jan Wiecken, sports reporter
Professional life brings situations where the advice of friends and family does not help. With Carola's support, I have difficult professional cliffs unnavigable, keep fun at the job and set goals and permanently realized. Your practical and solution-oriented method is suitable both for concrete, short-term issues and for complex, long-term issues.
Carmen Schuhmacher, Director – Conzept – Movie
Carola gave us very good support when we started our Industry Insights podcast We learned from her how to structure the podcast correctly and how we moderate it together as a duo. She also helped us With questions about speaking techniques and interaction With the interview partner. She not only took care of the technical Side, but also familiarized herself With the industrial environment in which our podcast should establish itself and was thus able to give valuable input. In addition, every meeting With her gave us a new boost of motivation and was a lot of fun. " Anja Ringel, Julia Dusold Editors at mi connect and production together as a duo. She also helped us With questions about speaking techniques and interaction with the interview partner. She not only took care of the technical Side, but also familiarized herself With the industrial environment in which our podcast should establish itself and was thus able to give valuable input. In addition, every meeting With her gave us a new boost of motivation and was a lot of fun. " Anja Ringel, Julia Dusold Editors at mi connect and production Anja Ringel, Julia Dusold Editors at mi connect and production  
Anja Ringel, Julia Dusold, Podcast Host Industry Insights
I came to Ms. Seher-Thoss to get new impulses as a professional speaker and actor, to work on the fine-tuning and to get new ideas. I have been successful in the industry for twenty years and have studied language in depth and I would like to say that I am very good at my job. The coaching by Ms. Seherr-Thoss has positively surprised me in many ways: She has developed her very own system for dealing with language, speech and texts, which opens up completely new dimensions for me. Not only are their methods brilliantly clear. They are also simple in the best sense of the word and thoroughly practical for work and can be implemented immediately. Your approaches are very liberating, because they provide a very concrete technique that is immediately understandable and of a surprising sobriety. This makes me awake, flexible and allows me new ways of speech formation that bring joy and significantly increase the quality of my work. On top of that, Ms Seherr-Thoss is very familiar with the conditions in the industry in all its different areas and can impart practical knowledge. She can also support you mentally and has mastered communication techniques that can be very helpful in everyday work. And much more. Her coaching is precise and of an inspiring efficiency. She has great dynamics, style and a lot of temperament. Her feedback and analyzes are very precise, so that a coaching session is useful and enjoyable on many levels. All in all brilliant and inspiring. I am very thankful for that.
Sebastian Feicht, actor, speaker
Carola Seherr-Thoss asks the right questions when it comes to developing new perspectives and opportunities to discover potential and bring it to light. She has the wonderful ability to listen in such a way that you can come up with the weirdest ideas in a completely relaxed manner and consider them to be completely reasonable. Implementation is fast approaching.
Christiane Pfau, PR Consultant and Editor of the Münchner Feuilleton
Whether it's about the sound or the content: If you dont have the voice, you'll definitely find it With Carola von Seherr-Thoss!
Meike Leopold, Expert and Consultant for digital communication
Perfektes Sprecher-Coaching! Carola holt ihre Schüler dort ab wo sie stehen und bringt sie voran. Individuell auf die jeweiligen Wünsche und "Baustellen" zugeschnitten. Egal, wo es hakt - ob Sprechtechnik, Akquise oder Schauspieltraining - Carola setzt den richtigen Hebel an. Immer wertschätzend und auf Augenhöhe. Anja Taborsky
Anja Taborsky, Sprecherin